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The new map of the brain: Are you top- or bottom-brained?

A Saturday Essay in the Wall Street Journal this weekend explained why theories about hemisphere dominance in the brain are outdated and outlined a "new" brain function map that is much more nuanced.

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The origins of the left-brain, right-brain theory dates back to experimental surgeries performed on 16 patients with severe epilepsy about 50 years ago, write neuroscientist Stephen Kosslyn and author Wayne Miller.

In those surgeries, Roger Sperry—a renowned neuroscientist at the California Institute of Technology—sought to relieve the patients' suffering by severing their corpus callosum, a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two sides of the brain.

The surgeries were successful, and post-operative studies of the volunteers found that the two brain halves do have distinct capabilities. However, contrary to popular narrative, the difference in capabilities reflect very specific differences in function, such as paying attention to overall shape versus details during perception. However, this "fine print" got buried in the publicity generated by Sperry's research.

The theory of cognitive modes

To better understand brain function, we should focus on the anatomical division between the top and bottom halves, write Kosslyn and Miller. This approach—called the theory of cognitive modes—came from a landmark study published in 1982 by the National Institutes of Mental Health's Mortimer Mishkin and Leslie G. Ungerleider. Subsequent studies have reinforced the approach.

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The theory holds that the top-brain system, which is composed of the entire parietal lobe and the top portion of the frontal lobe, uses information about the surrounding environment in combination with emotional reactions and personal needs to decide which goals to try and achieve. The top-brain formulates plans, generates expectations about what will happen when the plan is executed, and—as the plan is being carried out—makes adjustments.

Meanwhile, the bottom-brain system, which is composed of the occipital and temporal lobes and the smaller remainder of the frontal lobe, organizes sensory signals, simultaneously comparing what is being perceived with information stored in memory. The bottom-brain uses the information from the comparisons to classify and interpret an object or event, drawing meaning from the world.

Kosslyn and Miller stress that the top- and bottom-brain systems work together and are not engaged in a "constant cerebral tug of war."

However, individuals do not rely on the top and bottom parts of their brains equally. Rather, some use the top-brain system to develop simple and straightforward plans, while others use the bottom-brain system to create more detailed plans based on the subtleties of a given situation.

Are you a mover, perceiver, stimulator, or adaptor?

The new cognitive theory offers a new way of looking at human thought and behavior that could help explain our actions and personalities. It predicts that individuals fit into one of four cognitive modes based on their reliance on the top and bottom brain:

  • Mover. Movers are individuals who highly utilize both top- and bottom-brain systems in optional ways, a mode that allows them to plan, act, and readily see the consequences of their actions. They tend to be well-suited for leadership positions.
  • Perceiver. Perceivers tend to rely on the bottom-brain system to make sense of what they perceive, interpret their experience, and place it in context to try and understand its implications. They generally do not make and execute big plans; however, they are valuable part of group decision-making because they can help make sense of the big picture.
  • Stimulator. Individuals in stimulator mode may be creative and original, relying on the top-brain system to create and execute detailed plans. However, stimulators often fail to realize the consequences of acting on such plans, and they do not update their plans when things go awry.
  • Adaptor. Adaptors are people who do not highly utilize either the top- or bottom-brain. They do not initiate plans; instead, they are consumed by their immediate situations and have a "go with the flow" attitude.

It is important to note that no one mode is "better" than the others, Kosslyn and Miller stress. Rather, the theory reinforces the notion that people can work together more productively when they are aware of their own and others' cognitive strengths and weaknesses (Kosslyn/Miller, Wall Street Journal, 10/18).







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